Mexico is implementing random ramp checks on international aircraft operating under Part 91 and Part 135.
Mexico’s Civil Aviation Federal Agency (AFAC) is now planning to perform ramp checks on every international aircraft operating under Part 91 and Part 135 flights to all airports in Mexico. Local handling agents received the instruction from authorities on November 19, 2019.
Amplifying Aircraft Examinations
While this is quite an undertaking to implement, the frequency of apron checks will remarkably increase in the coming months. The Civil Aviation Authority in Mexico (DGAC) became the Civil Aviation Federal Agency (AFAC) in October 2019, and the new authority is implementing stricter regulations to improve the country’s aviation industry.
Required Documents On-Board Flights to Mexico
With ramp checks now firmly expected, here are the recommended documents that should be carried on board during flights to Mexico:
- Airworthiness Certificate
- Registration Certificate
- Pilot’s Licenses
- Pilot’s Medical Certificates
- Multiple Entry Authorization (MEA) with corresponding payment receipt
Items such as the maintenance logbook, aircraft radio station license/authorization, the Flight Manual, Noise Certificate, Minimum Equipment List (MEL), Mexican AIP, preflight checklist, Weight and Balance Manifest, Jeppesen Manuals (electronic format) and first aid kit may also be checked.
If an inbound or outbound flight to Mexico involves overflying the ocean, then a life raft and/or life jackets are required to be on board, according to the type of aircraft.
Part 91 vs. Part 135
For both Part 91 and Part 135 operations, worldwide and/or Mexican Insurance stating “Private” use when flying Part 91 and “Charter” use when flying FAR Part 135 are required; however, both insurances are required for Part 135. If operating Part 91 flights, it is required to present a document that states the purpose of the flight. This may be in the form of a letter that includes the name of the lead passenger and the connection with the aircraft. There must also be a declaration of the relationship of the passengers with the lead passenger. Notarization is not necessary.
For Part 135 operations, the following additional documents are required:
- Valid Air Operator Certificate (AOC)
- If possessing a Mexican Indefinite Blanket Permit (IBP), this should be accompanied by the Mexican AOC and the Yearly Verification, along with receipt of payment to be deemed authentic.
The complete list of documents required for ramp checks by AFAC can be found here.
Why All the Inspections?
The AFAC has implemented random ramp checks on all foreign flights as part of a crackdown on illegal charter flights in Mexico from Part 91 operators. There was an outpouring of persistent, periodic ramp checks in Mexico earlier this summer, with officials saying it was initiated to fend off cabotage. Whether operating Private or Charter flights, operators will have to prove before AFAC if their flights are Private or Charter by their countries of origin.
If you’re operating to Mexico anytime soon, make sure you have all the right documents on-board.
Contact Jetex for more up-to-date information, as well as for ground handling and fueling requests. Plan ahead and contact Jetex at info@jetex.com or call +1 305 306 4000.
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